Classes and tutoring

Classes :


Hours of personalized support in most subjects are offered to students by a team of twenty teachers teaching in preparatory classes (CPGE) from 5pm to 11pm.

What’s the aim of these one-to-one classes?


  • to spot, identify and help students overcome their difficulties
  • to improve the students theoretical understanding in a particular subject
  • to analyse mistakes and remediate errors made in previous exams and homework.
  • to practise for the ‘kholles’ (oral examinations)
  • to discuss the student’s choice of lessons and career path.


Tutoring :


Tutoring hours are offered by students already studying in the "Grandes Ecoles" : more than 100 tutors from the scientific, litterary or economic courses are there to guide the students. Partnerships have set up with most of the Parisian "Grandes Ecoles" such as Polytechnique, Agro ParisTech, Ecole des Ponts, ENSEA, ENSTA, HEC, Ecole des Mines de Paris, Telecom ParisTech, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Arts et Métiers... 

How can tutoring help ?

Tutoring is a way of...


  • offering support to the students
  • giving them more confidence in their ability to succeed.
  • giving them the desire to strive for the best
  • providing them with the necessary tools which will enable them to achieve their goals
  • allowing them to broaden their general knowledge and open-mindedness
  • giving advice with regards to the students' academic choices
  • perfecting on the students’ methods of tackling the entrance exams
  • practising and improving on how to set about certain exercices 
  • helping the students to be more comfortable in their oral examinations